Monday, November 30, 2009

More XC

Other moments at the NCAA XC Championships.

Yes, there are great XC fans and special quiet moments.

2009 NCAA D1 XC Championships - Women's Race

Villanova won the women's race. The two favorites from Colorado and Florida State had problems while the race was won by the University of Illinois runner #230.

2009 NCAA D1 XC Championships

A week ago three friends and I took a road trip to Terra Haute, Indiana to see the 2009 NCAA Div1 Cross Country Championships. These are the best collegiate XC runners and teams in the country. What fun.

Stay tuned for some pics from the women's race.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Summer...gone! But not forgotten

The summer has gone to become a gloomy end-of-October week of rain showers and overcast. So, how about some summer photos.

One of the things I was up to this summer was using a new point-and-shoot digital camera.

Why point-and-shoot?

Simply convenience. I often found myself planning excursions or in situations where I didn't want to be burdened by my big DSLR camera hanging around my neck. So, I bought a little Nikon p-a-s camera. It's no bigger than a deck of cards, has a little zoom lens, takes 10mp images and fits nicely in any pocket. Plus, it's unobtrusive.

I've always enjoyed the street photography produced by earlier photographers with their small Leicas and decided to emulate that concept.

Since acquiring the little camera I've had it with me while wandering downtown Chicago, visiting the new Modern Wing of Chicago's Art Institute, at an antique market, and on weekends to Michigan.

I'm very happy with the photos I've taken with it. Just having it in my pocket has made me look at my surroundings in different ways. I'm much more attuned to colors, patterns, points of view. It really is fun. I've even just held the camera out and tripped the shutter without looking at the screen first. Only afterwards do I look at the screen and if I don't like the result, I just try it again. Very nifty.

Holland, Michigan

Holland, Michigan

Holland, Michigan

More from the little camera to come.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Why has “running” come to mean “marathon?”

A friend in her blog asked the rhetorical question: “Do I need to run a marathon?” So I thought I’d consider the subject here.

I’ve received the same queries about marathons over the years. When the conversation turns to running I am invariably asked, “Oh, what marathons have you run?”

Since I started running years ago with my daughter, the marathon has not really entered my running equations. However, once that same daughter suggested that the two of us train for the Chicago Marathon (she really wanted to run the Paris Marathon) as it was the year of her 25th birthday and my 55th birthday. The symmetry seemed good and I was open to the plan. In the meantime we joined a team for the River-To-River relay in southern Illinois. A beautiful, hot, hilly and a fun racing experience except that Elizabeth developed a stress fracture in one of her feet and that put an end to our marathon. We’ve never looked back.

So why do so many people seem to think that “running” equals “marathon?”

Like my blogging friend, it seems to me that the marathon has become the running event of choice lately. I believe that the number of marathons is up as is the number of participants (I guess that makes sense!) As to why the numbers are up? I can only guess. One guess is that as charities have increased their use of marathons as fund-raising events the number of participants supporting those charities has also increased.

Consequently, with bigger numbers of participants these marathon events get more coverage in the general press and, especially, in the athletic/sport press. So, many more folks assume that running a marathon is the way to go. In short, more participants beget even more participants.

As I said earlier, marathons have never been my running things. (And I’m proud of that somewhat rebellious position!) The thought of spending 3+ hours on my feet running just doesn’t do it for me. I’m sure that those who run marathons finish each one with a tremendous sense of accomplishment or disappointment. The same senses that I have in races from 5K to half-marathons only I’m not on my feet for the extended time it takes to run the marathon distance.

For me, racing is racing. There is a difference between running and racing. When I race a 5K it is a very intense experience for me. It includes total concentration on getting to the finish line as fast as I can on that day. It is fighting off the negative demons who are telling me in mile 2 that I went out way too fast and I’m going to die (figuratively). It is pushing legs that have passed the pain of lactic acid buildup and are numb for the final 400 meters. It is gasping for air in the chute. It is your eyes wide open and bulging at the finish line (not a cool look which is why I used to wear sun glasses.)

So, from my point of view running doesn’t equal marathoning. But… if you’re running a marathon and need some moral support, I’m there for you during your planning, during your training, and during your marathon. I’ll even accompany you during the second half of your event.

To each his or her own whether it’s 800 meters or an ultra enjoy your times on the roads and paths and trails.

Friday, May 15, 2009

A golden evening

Yesterday evening was golden.  68 degrees, a very slight breeze and glorious sun and the best workout of 400 meter repeats.  400 meters... one lap of the track... just one circuit of the oval... simple.  Now run that lap nine times!  Ha!

A smallish group including Lee, Kevin, Matt, Rudi, Mark running the workout.  Jeff recovering and Margaret nursing a plantar wart and cheering from her chair.  

Photos of the evening below and... following the photos a note from Jim Spivey on our golden evening workout.

Jim sets the plan.
All set... You bet!
Words of wisdom
The golden evening
Matt at speed
Boston gear
MF in repose
And now words from Jim!

 To all, 
        I hope Friday is G-R-E-A-T and the 400's were fun and the times 
either JT or JS wrote down were amazing. 

        We had a great workout last night, running on the Glen Ellyn track 
by Lake Ellyn in 68 degree weather.  Matt ran 73, 74 and 72 for his good 
400's and his slowest was :80.  Rudi, recovering from flying back from 
Nigeria, ran 6 in the 80-84 range; Kevin Kelly had by far his best workout 
of the year, running  the goods between 1:43 and 1:46, and all under 1:58. 
 Rich, with Diane and Brad in the AM by themselves, ran 147, 145 and 141 
for his goods and all under 1:57- The last 2 weeks for him have been his 
best training since 2007.  It was, a great day to be alive, running on the 
track, and kicking the tracks rear end.  We sat on the grass after the 
workout, gloating, like the Gladiator sitting on top of challenger they 
have just slayed, for 20 minutes.  See Rich's Blog for photos of last 
night's workout which I am sure will be up over the weekend: 

      To me, this is what running is about.  Training through the tough 
times, be it snow, rain, bad weather, and trying to find the motivation to 
get that one more workout in.  Putting in the runs when no one is 
watching.  Maybe that is the thing about training ... the "one" thing. 
Those runs, that only the front door of your house knows that you put it 
in, and the towel after the shower.  A family member may come in and see 
paper stuffed in your shoes on a rainy day, and wonder why.  I push myself 
through those days, to have days like last night on the track. 

     After the first 400, you wonder, "can I hit all that fast?"  You get 
through the first set with little effort, and think, "I have a chance," to 
hit all my times under some allusive number that you now set in your mind. 
 The second set has more concentration required, and doubt begins to creep 
in - this set strains the body.  But then you convince yourself on the 
recovery lap: "It is only one more set."  The last set starts off good, 
and your body clings for the air that is going down after the good 400. 
But you want to leave your mark on the track, what you write in your 
training log, what you talk about tomorrow, that you rode high. 

The 8th 400 - maybe the toughest one for the day.  In your mind, you know 
that you can run this one slow after the 7th fast interval, yet, you also 
know that times will be talked about, posted, written about, and you will 
say "I ran my fastest ones at this pace, but, my slowest one was ....  " 
This is the interval that challenges the mind.  You run, and become 
"Comfortably Numb," as made famous by the song.  The finish line is 
crossed, and a time recorded.  The last 400 is easy. 

Then, you can sit on the ground, with your friends, people you would go to 
battle with and know they would carry you off the battlefield if you fell, 
and bask in the sun.  I can remember days at Indiana University, sitting 
on the track with my friends, victorious, letting the sun be soaked up. 
The workout was over, no more intervals for the day.  Everyone had a 
smile, and the books, rent, calling home, fixing the car, dinner - all 
that all could wait.  Just to sit, and reflect, and try to soak up as much 
as you could, to remember: To help you through those days when no one knew 
you were running.  How many days like this helped me get through the 2 a 
days for 13 years?  Too many to count. 

Let's just say they are too few.  Because one of the requirements of the 
Great workout is that "everyone," has to have had a great workout.  Then, 
it can be written down:  "All had a great day." 

For the Nashville crew:  Tom Carr is a good friend, and put on a race 
recently.  See his note below, and please give recommendations to race 
management.  You can reply directly to him. 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It’s not going to happen if you’re not ready!

Note: The following was composed last November (2008) at the end of the season and never saw the light of day. I think it is pertinent now, at the beginning of the running season as the group prepares for racing and meeting goals in the coming months.
Enjoy, RF

A lively discussion followed last evening’s running workout. Not unlike other lively post-workout discussions only this one was actually about running!

The question before the assembly was, “Can I run a sub-20:00 5K?” The question was posed by a member who has been riding a season of exceptional athletic endeavors including several running PRs (20:29 for 5K, I think) as well as successes in triathlons all on top of being devoted to her family.

The group’s consensus seemed to be “Sure” she can run a sub-20:00 5K given the improvements in her running throughout the year.

The conversation went back and forth and all around the table

Running/racing season has come to a close here and now it’s time to put away the racing flats and go back to base-building and aerobic-building training… the seeds for next season’s running campaign.

As a result of the discussion, I sent the following note to our running buddy.

Just a note regarding last night’s conversation about running a sub-20:00 5K. You know, you were prepared to run that time this year. Your training was top notch, you were focused and most everything you can control was ready for it to happen. Only it didn’t.

I know, you’re shaking your head saying “Duh, I know that Rich.”

What I’m getting at is that you were in that “sweet spot” where you knew on the line that you were ready to compete at a PR or close-to-PR pace. You were prepared. No doubt about it. And that, being prepared, is the key to reaching your goal. Being prepared creates an environment for success to happen. That’s the part that you can control but there is so much else that you can’t control. You can’t control the weather, the course, or your concern for a sick child or some other anxiety. There are plenty of things that you can’t control but those things affect your performance nonetheless.

Ten years ago when I was racing, not just running, I discovered that the major improvements seemed to come all by themselves. The common thread during that time was that I was prepared so that if everything fell into place… the stars were aligned… I was ready to take advantage of it.

I know it seems whimsical and defies reason but think about it… if there weren’t all the uncontrollable factors, everyone who is physically prepared would run PRs at every race – the only limitation would be your own body.

Why do we all run faster on the track on Thursdays? Because we’ve eliminated two of the uncontrollable factors… the surface is uniform and absolutely flat.

So, the more of those factors you can control before and during the race, the better your chance for success. The more prepared for success you are, the more likely it is that success will happen!

Some of the things I learned from successful runners and coaches and from my own meager experience that you can think about…
Pre-race routine - begins at least the night before and includes things like pinning your bib # on your shirt and making sure you have everything in your bag ready to go and setting the schedule so you have plenty of time to warm up, stretch, strides, bathroom, etc.

Make sure your warm up is long enough (time wise). Use it to check out the course if it’s unfamiliar. Be sure to check out the finish…so you don’t get faked by a finish line that is around a corner or in a parking lot or somewhere else that you can’t spot it..

Don’t hesitate to start at the front! That way you’re up with faster runners who will bring you along in their wake. Not much feels better than starting at the front. Starting back farther (even if it’s a chip race) means you’re always trying to catch up…psychologically and in reality.

Be aware of surroundings before and during the race. For instance, watch others warming up especially the known fast runners you can learn from their routines. At the start, look around to know who the fast people are, who you can key off of during the race…especially those who may be in your age group. Oh, remember fast people don’t necessarily look fast during warm up and at the start… don’t be fooled. The more races you run, the more you will recognize those people you need to be running with. During the race be aware of where you are on the course so you can relate how you feel to your location on the course and how you are executing your plan. Be aware of split times (they may scare you early in the season.) For me, doing the split time math to figure out what my time should be at the next split really kept my mind off any pain or fear.

Don’t forget to use your arms especially at the end of the race. Your arms and shoulders tend to get tired (even in a 5K) and people tend to pull them up to their chests and hunch their shoulders, they become tense and slow. I used to actually talk to myself, “Drop your arms, Rich!”

I don’t know if this stuff answers the question from last night but hopefully it will give you insights to ponder over the winter (as if you didn’t have enough going on!) I was happy to break 21:00 years ago and I don’t think that 19:59 is out of reach for you if you are prepared when the opportunity presents itself and, of course, when the stars are aligned.

See ya.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring(?) Workouts

The grass is greening up nicely and the track is clear for the running workouts to begin. Returning to the track is like returning from a long vacation.  It takes time to get back into the swing of things.  Sooner than later you get your head around the situation and the fun begins.

This year (2009) the plan is to create a photo essay called "Workout" about our club's running season endeavors.  Here are some images from the first couple of workouts this spring - one of the workouts was run in 18 degree weather!