Friday, October 30, 2009

Summer...gone! But not forgotten

The summer has gone to become a gloomy end-of-October week of rain showers and overcast. So, how about some summer photos.

One of the things I was up to this summer was using a new point-and-shoot digital camera.

Why point-and-shoot?

Simply convenience. I often found myself planning excursions or in situations where I didn't want to be burdened by my big DSLR camera hanging around my neck. So, I bought a little Nikon p-a-s camera. It's no bigger than a deck of cards, has a little zoom lens, takes 10mp images and fits nicely in any pocket. Plus, it's unobtrusive.

I've always enjoyed the street photography produced by earlier photographers with their small Leicas and decided to emulate that concept.

Since acquiring the little camera I've had it with me while wandering downtown Chicago, visiting the new Modern Wing of Chicago's Art Institute, at an antique market, and on weekends to Michigan.

I'm very happy with the photos I've taken with it. Just having it in my pocket has made me look at my surroundings in different ways. I'm much more attuned to colors, patterns, points of view. It really is fun. I've even just held the camera out and tripped the shutter without looking at the screen first. Only afterwards do I look at the screen and if I don't like the result, I just try it again. Very nifty.

Holland, Michigan

Holland, Michigan

Holland, Michigan

More from the little camera to come.