Tuesday, November 11, 2008

To Springfield, Illinois by train

Two days after The Election, we took AMTRAK from Chicago to Springfield, Illinois to visit the Lincoln Museum and Library. Our Irish friend accompanied us and I think it was a fitting way to celebrate the election of Barack Obama, an Illinois favorite son as is Lincoln.

If you are interested in United States history, the Civil War, Lincoln, politics, or Illinois - a visit to this museum it a must. Of course, there are plenty of other sites relating to Lincoln in and around Springfield, but start with the museum.

A grey day in central Illinois from the train heading south. This is some of the richest ground in the world. Farms generally produce corn and soybeans.

Grain elevators, parts of the rural and national economy.

The Illinois state capitol in Springfield, Illinois. Springfield is not the first or second capitol of Illinois. I believe that Vandalia was the first state capitol. And the domed capitol building here is the second capitol building in Springfield. The the first capitol building in Springfield, "Old Capitol Building" in Springfield is a museum and has been restored/reconstructed. Lincoln served as a state rep there and he also argued cases before the Illinois Supreme Court in the "Old" building.

It's not often you see reference to a "Motor Inn" anymore.