An open letter after a particular workout of the running club to which I belong. While you may not "get" some of the references, I hope you will recognize the feelings of satisfaction.
Last night was a real classic, thanks.
I was thinking about what you were saying about people “burning” the last ¼ of the mile and reminiscing about past in-and-out-mile workouts.
Some thoughts:
It seems that the past “August versions” of this workout were held on evenings that were hellishly hot… no clouds, burning sun
There was always a “high anticipation level” by the group for this workout – we were serious and ready to run
While we were not supposed to, the workout became a “build”… everything just kept getting faster and faster from the 150s to the final 200. And the mile… went from F+ to G to G to G+, maybe even H. And I think you were always on the verge of hoarseness from shouting splits and encouragement while running back and forth across the field.
There were never instructions for moderation or slowing down
No matter how hot or what the times were, when it was done everyone had little grins on there faces!
I don’t think any of us were ever disappointed with our performances… there was an overall feeling of satisfaction. At the end of the workout, everyone felt FAST! Everyone believed and felt like they had run at Joe Jenkins’ pace!
This workout was the culmination of our Winter, Spring and Summer training… now we really knew we were ready to go!
We were ready to race.
And race we did. And in all the third miles of those 5Ks we could and would be lifted by this workout… because we (individually) had completed the in-and-out workout we could attack that third mile… we could and would banish doubt from our minds… we could and would tell that little voice in our heads that was telling us, “You’re gonna die! You’re gonna crumble!” to “Shut Up!” because we had completed that workout successfully.
For me it was a ticket for admission to that racing world that you inhabited and that Elizabeth inhabited with her teammates.
We all have a multitude of other things on our minds but I think last night’s workout is a real touchstone, a booster. And you know, If a person runs this workout with understanding and commitment then no gum is needed… being able to say “Shut Up! I completed the in-and-out workout and I’m ready to go!” is more than enough.